IS Portal

Library and Information Science



Post               Technical  Assistant (Library Science)

No of post    01,UR

Pay level       Level 06 (Rs. 35400-112400/-)

Age               Not exceeding 30 years



First class three years Bachelor's degree in Library Science/Library & Information Science from a Recognized University.  


First class Master degree in Library Science//Library & Information Science from a Recognized University.  


How to apply

Application forms for all the posts can be downloaded from the web site of ICMR-NIREH(  ). Applicants should indicate the post applied for legibly on the first page of prescribed"APPLICATION FORM" and affix one passport size photograph, copy of necessary supporting documents(degree, diploma, experience, caste certificate, proof for date of birth, NOC from present employer, etc.)should be sent in a sealed cover super scribing "Application for the post of ......" on the envelope toDirector, ICMR-National Institute for Research in Environmental Health (NIREH), Kamla Nehru HospitalBuilding, Gandhi Medical College Campus, Bhopal - 462 001 through Regd. /Speed Post, latest by28.02.2019 (Upto 06:00 p.m. only). along with non refundable application fee by Indian Postal Order/DemandDraft of Rs. 300/- (Three Hundred) payable to NIREH, Bhopal. Fees once paid will not be refunded in anycase

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