IS Portal

Library and Information Science

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(An Institution of National Importance under Ministry of Health & Family welfare)

Dhanwantari Nagar, Puducherry- 605 006


Applications are invited from eligible officers of Central/State Govt. /Autonomous Institutions / Universities / Research Institutions etc. for filling up the following posts on Deputation basis at JIPMER, Puducherry.

Senior Translator-cum-Information Assistant (1 Post) – Level -6; Rs.35400 – 112400 (Pre-revised: PB2: with Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-)

Officers of the Central / State Governments / Autonomous bodies/Public sector Undertakings

a) (i) holding analogous post on regular basis in the parent cadre/Department; OR (ii) With three years’ service in the grade rendered after appointment thereto on a regular basis in the scale of pay of PB2 9300-34800+4200 (Rs.5000-8000) or equivalent in the parent cadre/ Department; AND (b) Possessing of the educational qualifications and experience detailed below: 1. Bachelors Degree from a recognized University / Institute with French as second Language OR Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University with one year Diploma in French 2. Bachelor’s Degree in Library and Information Science from a recognized University / Institute 3. One Year experience in translation from French to English and vice versa.

Age Limit: Not exceeding 56 Years as on closing date.

How to apply

The duly filled in application forms for the post should be superscripted on the envelope as “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF _______________________________________on Deputation basis ” should be sent through the employer addressed to Deputy Director (Admn.), JIPMER, Puducherry – 605 006 and the same should reach on or before 14.09.2018 (Friday) till 4.30 PM.

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