IS Portal

Library and Information Science




Post             Senior Library Information Assistant

Pay              Pay Band of Rs.9300 - 34800+ GP 4200  (Pay Matrix level 6)

Post             02  (1 OBC, 1 UR)

Age limit   35 years 



Education Qualifications and experience

Post  Graduate  Diploma  in  Library  Science  with  4  years  experience  or  M.Lib.

How to apply

Applications  form,  qualifications,  general  information,  experience,  age  and  details  of  fee  etc.    are  available  on  the  institute website  .   The details and the applications form shall be available online from  12 th March,  2019 onwards. The last date for online application form is  15.04.2019 till  5.00 p.m. The earlier Advertisement bearing  Nos.130 - 2017 stands cancelled. Those candidates, who applied for the posts against advertisement No.130 - 2017 and  are eligible as per  this advertisement,  need to apply afresh .

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