IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Post                      Senior Binder

No of post           02

Pay level            Pay Level-4 (Pay Range: ₹ 25500 - 81100)    



1. Senior Secondary School.

2. At least ten years’ experience of binding of rare books and manuscripts in a Library of repute.



1. High School or equivalent.

2. At least ten years’ experience of binding of rare books and manuscripts in a Library of repute.


How to apply

Persons downloading the Form from the Net are required to send a Cash receipt of Rs.500/- issued by the State Bank of India, AMU Branch (05555), under the Head, “Employment Fee” in the Account No. 10612177016 or Demand Draft of Rs.500/- payable to Finance Officer, AMU, Aligarh at State Bank of India, AMU Branch Aligarh (05555), along with the duly filled employment form complete in all respect. Complete application form procured in the above manner may either be delivered personally at the Reception Counter of Administrative Block or sent by post, superscribing on the top at the left side of the cover, the post applied for, advertisement number and date, to the Joint Registrar (Selection Committee-Non-Teaching) Section, Registrar’s Office, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh – 202002, so as to reach him by 27.07.2019. 

Official link