IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Gangadhar Meher University

Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, India 768004

Advertisement for the post of “Research Assistant”, in a research project sponsored by Odisha State Higher Education Council, Govt. of Odisha (OURIIP-2020 seed fund)

  • Name of the post                 Research Assistant
  • No of post                            01
  • Research Project                 Building a Digital Repository of Sambalpuri Saree Design and Techniques: An Innovative Way to Preserve and Access the Heri
  • Fellowship amount              Rs.8000/ (fixed) per month


Essential qualifications

Candidates with Master degree in Library and Information Science with minimum 55% of marks from a recognised university. Desirable: Applicants having basic knowledge in database development using opensource software.

How to apply

Interested candidates are requested to send their application in hard copies in the given format (provided below) along with the detailed Bio-data and self-attested copies of the educational qualifications, certificates, mark sheets and experience certificate (if any) to Dr. Rosalien Rout, Principal Investigator, OURIIP 2020 seed fund, School of Library & Information Science, Gangadhar Meher University, Amruta Vihar, Sambalpur, Odisha, PIN-768004 and PDF scan copies to the e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. within 15 days of publish of this advertisement. Candidates are requested to visit the university website regularly for update. For any further information, please contact: Principal Investigator, Contact No.: 8420898660