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Library and Information Science

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(Salary: Rs.21000/- Fix per months- For 11 Months basis)
For: Smt. H. M. Library
55% in Master of Library Information Science & desirable qualification of Diploma in
Computer Application or Computer Proficiency.
Job Description: Has to perform any given task related to Management of Smt. Hansa
Mehta Library & Other Libraries under the Library System, Website Maintenance,
Official Correspondence and provide assistance to Office of the University Librarian.
How to apply
The candidate shall be required to apply online on or before 22/03/2018
The online application form fee is Rs.500/- (Rs.125/- for SC/ST Candidates) that
is required to be paid using Credit/Debit Card, or online banking only. This
amount shall not be accepted in cash, through money order or postal order or
through any other financial instrument except Credit/Debit cards. The aforesaid
application fee is non-refundable and no enquiries shall be entertained in this