IS Portal

Library and Information Science

North-Eastern Hill University

Umshing Mawkynroh Shillong 793022




Post                               Professor (Library & Information Science)

No of posts                 02 (01 UR & 01 EWS)

Pay level                     Level 14 Rs. 144,200-218,200/-



  • The prescribed application form may be downloaded from HERE. The form should be filled-in using MS Word format only.  
  • An application fee of Rs.1000/- (One thousand) for General/OBC/EWS candidates and Rs. 500/- (Five hundred) only for SC/ST candidates must be paid only through SBI Collect. Women Candidates and Person With Disabilities are exempted from payment of application fee.
  • Payment by Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque or any other mode of payment will not be accepted.

For Payment Process using State Bank of India Collect (SBI Collect)

  • Click on this link
  • A DISCLAIMER CLAUSE page will open. Click Check Box for "I have read and accepted the terms and conditions stated above" and click on the PROCEED button.
  • For State of Corporate/Institution, SELECT Meghalaya 
    and for Type of Corporate/Institution, SELECT Educational Institutions,
    then Click on the GO button.
  • For Educational Institutions Name, SELECT NEHU Development Account and click submit.
  • For Select Payment Category, SELECT Recruitment for the Post of Professor.


  1. The hard copy of the duly filled-in application form duly signed on every pages should be submitted along with all the  necessary documents in support of  qualifications, experience, date of birth, category, research publications etc. and also a copy of the fee receipt. The complete hard copy of application form either by hand or by post ( Speed Post/Courier) should reach the Office of the Assistant Registrar(Estt.II), NEHU, Mawkynroh, Umshing, Shillong-793022 on or before 20th August, 2019 during office hours . Application forms received after the last date or incomplete in any respect or violative of any condition shall not be considered. The University is not responsible for any postal or Courier delivery delay. The candidate should mentioned “Application for the post of Professor  in the Department of ____________” in bold letters on top of the envelope.
  2. The eligibility criteria of the candidates  and other terms and conditions shall be  as per the UGC Regulations  2018 and AICTE latest  Regulations  as the case may be and their subsequent  Notifications/ Guidelines if any. Further, research publications only from journals index in UGC-CARE (Consortium for Academic and Research Ethics) List  will be  considered. 
  3. Fee paid is non-refundable under any circumstances. 
  4. In- service candidates should invariably send their application(s) through Proper Channel.
  5. The candidates however, can submit   an Advance Copy of their applications.
  6. The original application(s) of employed candidates must be routed  through Proper Channel and should reach the University on or before the last date of receiving  of applications . However,  if the candidates  fail to route their application(s)  through their employer(s) to NEHU within the specified date and have sent advance copy of applications they are required  to submit a NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their  employer(s) on the date of interview if called for interview.
  7. The posts under reserved categories, shall be filled  as per the Advertisement and the Reservation Policy shall be as per Guidelines of the Government of India .
  8. Mere fulfilment of essential qualifications will not entitle a candidate for being called for interview. The University reserves its right to shortlist the total number of candidates to be called for interview.
  9. No TA/DA shall be paid to the candidates for attending the interview.
  10. The University reserves the right to withdraw or cancel any advertised posts at any time without assigning any reasons whatsoever.  The University also reserves the right either to fill or not to fill any post(s).
  11. The University shall verify the antecedents/documents submitted by the candidate at the time of appointment or any time during the tenure of service.
  12. In case, it is detected that the documents submitted are fake or the candidate has clandestine background and has suppressed any information, his/her service shall be terminated forthwith. In case of dispute/suit or legal proceedings against the University the jurisdiction shall confine to the Court of Meghalaya only.

Important Download Links

  1. Application Form
  2. UGC Regulations 2018
  3. AICTE Regulations 2019
  4. UGC-CARE List of publications



Official link