IS Portal

Library and Information Science

                                                                    Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi

Post Name                  Professional Assistant

No of Posts                 01 Post

Salary:                         Rs.35,000/- per month (Consolidated, all inclusive)

Mode of Appointment: Contract

Age limit:                    35 years

Duration:                    02 years, extendable on need basis and subject to satisfactory performance, on mutual agreement

Qualifications Essential  

  • Minimum 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master’s Degree level in Library Science or Library and Information science
  • Minimum 02 years experience in Library Operations in any reputed Library/Institution
  • Proficiency in Computer Applications in Library Functioning like knowledge and experience of Information management and database management in library setup and experience of handling of e-Documents/e-Journals etc.

How to apply

Completed hard copy application, preferably typewritten neatly, in the prescribed form (available and can be downloaded from the website supported by selfcertified copies of the testimonials, certificates etc. must reach the Superintendent (Administration), Room No. 60, 2nd Floor, Indian Institute of Public Administration, I.P. Estate, Ring Road, New Delhi – 110002 on or before 25th October 2016. The soft copy of the typewritten application in word format on the prescribed application form may also be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before the last date but hard copy of application along with the testimonials/certificate is to reach IIPA mandatorily on or before the last date. Incomplete applications (or not in the prescribed form) or those received after the due date shall not be considered.


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