IS Portal

Library and Information Science

(An Autonomous Organization under Ministry of

Human Resource Development, Government of India)
Nehru Bhawan', 5, Institutional Area, Phase-II,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070


Name of the post:  Librarian 

Number of Post:     01

Pay Scale              Rs.9300·34800 +GP Rs. 4200/

Age Limit:            30 years

Essential Qualification & Experience: 

a. A Degree in Library Science or its equivalent from a recognized university.

Job Requirement:

b. 05 years’ working experience as Library Assistant or Professional Assistant in the revised PB-1 Rs.5200-20200 + GP Rs.2800/- in a library.



Name of the post:  Library-cum-Documentation Officer

Number of Post:     01 (UR)

Pay Scale              Rs.15,600-39,100/ Grade Pay Rs. 5,400/-

Age Below Limit:    56 years

Essential Qualification & Experience:

a. Graduate of a recognized university with Bachelors’ degree in Library/Information Science. a) 5 years experience of dealing preferably with children’s literature in a reputed library relaxable to 3 years for candidates possessing Master degree in Library/Information Science. Knowledge of modern technique of documentation & retrieval of information.

Job Requirement:

Transfer on deputation (including short term contract). The eligible departmental candidates can also apply for deputation and if selected he/she will be appointed on a fixed tenure of three years extendable by maximum one year. Incumbents holding analogous posts on regular basis OR with 5 years regular service in posts in the scale of Rs.9300-34800 + GP4200/- (Pre revised Rs.5500-9000) or equivalent, and possessing the educational qualifications and experience prescribed for essential qualification.

How to apply   

Interested candidates who full fill the minimum eligibility criteria may apply to the Assistant Director (Establishment), National Book Trust, India, Nehru Shawan, 5, Institutional Area, Phase-ll, Vasanl Kunj, New Delhi -110 070 within 21 days from the date of issue of this Advertisement , For details about educational qualification, experience, age-limit. format of application and other tennis and conditions, please visit NBT Website


The Assistant Director (Establishment),

National Book Trust, India, Nehru Bhawan, 5,

Institutional Årea Phase-Il, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110 070

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