IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Established under the Bodoland University Act, 2009



Name of the Post                            Librarian

No. of Post                                    01 Un-reserved

Pay Scale                                      PB-37,400-67,000, GP-10,000

Qualification and Experience for Librarian

  • A Master’s Degree in Library Science /Information Science/documentation with at least 55% marks or its equivalent grade of B in the UGC seven points scale and consistently good academic record set out in these Regulations.
  • At least thirteen years as a Deputy Librarian in a university library or eighteen years’ experience as a College Librarian.
  • Evidence of innovative library service and organization of published work.
  • Desirable: A M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree in library science/information science /documentation/achieves and manuscriptkeeping.


How to apply

Completed application in the prescribed form along with all necessary enclosures and testimonials must reach: The Registrar, Bodoland University, P.O. Rangalikhata (Debargaon), Dist. Kokrajhar (Assam), PIN-783370, latest by 31st January’ 2017 up to 3.00 P.M. along with self address (Rs. 5.00) stamp envelope. Those who are willing to apply for more than one post, they must submit separate application form with separate application fees. The name of the post and department must be written on the envelope of the application.

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