IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Government of Jammu and Kashmir

Highgr Education Department

Civil Secretariat, Jammu/Srinagar,




The candidates must possess Post-graduate degree in the concemed subject i.e. M.Lib/M.PEd, respectively having minimum 55% marks (50% in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Physically & visually handicapped candidates) alongwith NET/SLET/Ph.D.


Assistant Librarians

The candidates must possess Postgraduate degree in the concemed subject i.e. M.Lib/M.PEd, respectively having minimum 55% marks (50% in case of Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe and Physically & visually handicapped candidates).




The Selection Committee comprising of the following officers shall prepare a single list of the candidates to be engaged on academic arrangement basis for the Session 2016-17.

a) Nodal Principal, Jammu Division Colleges.

b) Principal, Govt. College for Women, Gandhi Nagar, Jammu.

c) Principal, Govt. Degree College, Akhnoor.


The applications complete in all respects shall be submitted in the office of Nodal Principal, G.G,M. science college, Jammu by or before 12t July 2016 alongwith a bank the name of Principal, G.G.M. Science College, Jammu.

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