IS Portal

Library and Information Science

National Institute of Design


Post of Assistant library


The candidate holding Bachelor of Library Science from the recognized University with at least two years of experience in reputed organization/ educational institute, having hands on experience of handling the library software may apply. Willingness to work in shift duties and communication ability in English and Hindi is a must. The post carries fixed consolidated salary of Rs.20,000.per month.

Maximum Age limit – 30 years

How to apply:

Interested candidates fulfilling minimum requirements may apply with detailed CV,Passport size digital photo, educational qualifications, year-wise relevant experience,current position held, name and address of current employer-if any, last/current salarydrawn, and a separate letter of intent (not more than 500 words) and 2 references fromtheir own field (with their names, full address and contact numbers, etc).

emails as under:

For NID Vijayawada posts apply to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For NID Kurukshetra posts apply to: nid_k_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The last date to apply online is 25th November, 2016.


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