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Library and Information Science

Advertisement No. R1 2016

K.K. Handiqui State Open University

Housefed Complex, Guwahati – 6


Assistant Librarian , 1 post

Scale of pay: Rs. 15,600/– to Rs. 39,100/- with grade pay of Rs. 6,000/-

Essential Qualification:

(i) Good academic record with at least 55% marks (or equivalent grade in a point scale whenever grading system is followed), at the Master’s Degree in Library Science/Information Science from a recognized University.

(ii) Qualifying in the National/State Level Eligibility Test (NET/SLET) conducted for the purpose by UGC or any other agency approved by UGC. However, candidates, who are awarded Ph.D. degree in accordance with the “University Grants Commission (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of Ph.D. degree) Regulations, 2009”, shall be exempted from requirement of the minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLET.

Desirable qualification:

(i) A degree/diploma in distance education or working experience in distance education institution

(ii) Experience in computerization of library (iii) Proficiency in both English and Assamese languages

How to apply

The details of required qualification, scale of pay, age limit etc. can be downloaded from the website of the university The application should be accompanied by a bank draft of Rs. 1000/- for serial No. 1 to 7 and Rs. 500/- for serial No. 8 to 11 in favour of KKHSOU to be drawn at Guwahati. The last date for submission of application is 22nd July, 2016.


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