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Library and Information Science

The Odisha Staff Selection Commission (OSSC)



Vacancy Position

Educational Qualification 


Plan of Examination & syllabus

  1. Written examination (one Paper) - 100 Marks 1 & 1/2 Hour 

The written examination will be of objective type questions with multiple choices of answers to be answered in OMR sheet. 

Odia Language                                        10 marks

General English                                        10 Marks 

General Studies                                        30 Marks

Library & information Science                     50 Marks 

Total 100 marks

  1. Practical Skill Test (Computer application), qualifying nature- 30 Marks - 30 Min.


How to apply 

The candidates has to take print of the Applicant's copy and the OSSC Copy. The OSSC copy duly singed in by the candidate in full signature (in running letters) and enclosing all the required documents as detailed in clause-8 of this advertisement is required to be promptly sent to the secretary, in the following address by Speed post/Regd. Post so as to reach in the office of the commission by 5 P.M. 0f 27/02/2017.

"Secretary, OSSC Barack No-1, Unit-V, Bhubaneswar. Pin-751054"

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