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Library and Information Science



NISM invites applications for the post of Assistant Librarian , on contract renewable every 5 years, subject to maintaining high standards of performance. Last date for seeking applications is 23rd January 2018.

Job Code : AL-KM/2017

Functions and Responsibilities:

1) Manage the planning, administrative and budgetary functions of library and information Services: 

Main Activities :

  • Establish and implement library and information policies and procedure.
  • Develop and manage convenient, accessible library and information services.
  • Establish and manage the budget for library and information services, technology and media
  • Develop and manage cost effective library and information services, technology and media
  • Order materials and maintain records for payment of invoices
  • Analyze and evaluate library and information services, technology and media service requirements
  • Prepare reports related to library and information services, technology and media services, resources and activities

2) Provide effective access to library collections and resources 

Main Activities :

  • Develop and maintain collections management policies and procedures
  • Perform original cataloguing and classification of print, audio-visual and electronic Resources
  • Develop and maintain special indexing systems and files for special collections

3) Maintaining organization of library materials 

Main Activities :

  • Ensure an accurate inventory of resources
  • Ensure efficient retrieval by users
  • Search external database programs for the availability of cataloguing copy
  • Maintain inventories, compile statistics and generate reports as required
  • Develop and maintain cataloguing procedures
  • Distribute materials for cataloguing
  • Determine the type of cataloguing required
  • Enter cataloguing data into the library's automated system
  • Process resources for placement on shelf
  • File cards in shelf list
  • Complete cataloguing records where only partial copy is available
  • Index materials for the pamphlet collection

4) Provide library services in response to the information needs of library users

Main Activities :

  • Respond to daily onsite requests for information
  • Train library users to effectively search the Library catalogue, Internet and other electronic resources
  • Provide an interlibrary loan service for both book and audiovisual materials and maintain records
  • Maintain records for the interlibrary loan service
  • Maintain circulation files, records and statistics

5) Perform other duties: 

Main Activities :

  • As and when assigned from time to time.

The above mentioned job responsibilities are indicative and the candidate may be required to carry out any other responsibilities across the various Schools/Departments of the Institute as per requirement.

The following are the pre-requisites:

Maximum Age (as on 30-Nov-2017): 40 years

Qualification :Masters degree in Library Science / Information Science / Documentation Science with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of computerization of library. Qualifying in National Level Test conducted for the purpose by the AICTE or UGC. However, candidates who are, or have been awarded Ph.D degree shall be exempted from the requirement of minimum eligibility condition of NET/SLE/SET for appointment of Assistant Librarian.

Experience: Completed 6 years of service as Assistant Librarian / College Librarian must have participated in two refresher courses / summer institutes, each of not less than 4 weeks duration or engaged in other appropriate continuing education programme of comparable quality.

Additional Skill Sets:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills
  • Proficiency in various software related to library etc.and MS Office.
  • Good analytical ability

Posting:Vashi, Navi Mumbai / Patalganga, Raigad / Chennai

Indicative Annual CTC:Ranging from Rs. 7 Lakh to Rs. 9 Lakh (inclusive of variable pay)

Note: Candidates are advised to peruse the Institute’s

Interested candidates may submit their applications online in the prescribed format along with the detailed CV. Click here


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