IS Portal

Library and Information Science

IIM Visakhapatnam

Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam invites applications from eligible candidates for the following positions on Regular or Contract Basis.




Cadre Sr. No.    C4

Cadre                    Library & Information Sciences (P1)

No of posts         02 posts 

Pay                        Pay Level-6

Age                       26- 40 Years


For qualification experience    See table 4 in the advertisement


Job Description: Duties & Responsibilities (including but not limited to):

1. Consulting and coordinating with faculty and students and preparing inventory of all knowledge/learning resources such as books, journals, magazines, databases etc. (in physical and/or virtual/electronic form) to be procured;

2. Issuing library membership to the eligible staff and students, ensuring timely renewal and revocation of the same;

3. Maintaining records pertaining to issue of knowledge/learning resources to the members and recalling them by due dates;

4. Identifying 'Library dues' for the members from time to time and initiating action thereon;

5. Preparing Library Budget Estimates as per timelines;

6. Planning and procuring the knowledge/learning resources following due process and within approved budgets;

7. Effecting the procurements at the most competitive price, in consultation with other IIMs and in accordance with guidelines of government authorities/agencies like the Ministry of Education, GOI;

8. Ensuring that the licensing policies of the knowledge/learning resources deployed / in use in the Institute are duly complied with, at all times; that there is no violation of Intellectual Property Rights such as Copy Rights; and that the Institute stands indemnified and held harmless at all times;

9. Using a duly licensed, up-to-date version of computer-based Library Management Software at all times;

10. Ensuring that the physical stock of knowledge/learning resources and the inventory maintained in the computer system tally at all times;

11. Managing shelf and storage space/area in the Library, efficiently, by organizing / arranging the resources in a streamlined and orderly manner;

12. Ensuring that the versions, subscriptions, memberships pertaining to knowledge/learning resources are maintained up-to-date and/or renewed well within the expiry dates;

13. Handling efficiently, the institutional memberships in library-associated bodies like ShodhSindhu, INFLIBNet, Delnet etc.

14. Facilitating the organization of book exhibitions, periodically;

15. Facilitating Inter-Library Loan / Referencing;

16. Guiding, supervising, mentoring and coordinating the activities of the junior executives/officers, staff, library interns et al;

17. Ensuring safety and security of library premises and resources;

18. Ensuring that any misuse, un-authorized use, loss, damage etc. to/of library resources/property due to any reason is brought to the notice of the reporting (higher) authorities, immediately;

19. Ensuring all knowledge/learning resources are always maintained in good-touse form with no impairment;

20. Ensuring that the library resources are made available and accessible to users at all times in accordance with the policies of the Institute, physically and virtually (remotely);

21. Ensuring that library premises is maintained in a neat and tidy manner and also ensuring that pest-control is carried out at regular intervals, in order to ensure good upkeep and longevity of library resources;

22. Assisting the faculty members in collecting, compiling, collating data and information to serve their academic and research activities;

23. Collecting, compiling, analysing and monitoring library-usage data;

24. Ensuring storage, retrieval, record-keeping etc. of library resources in an efficient and effective manner;

25. Deploying, leveraging and facilitating use of appropriate technologies and processes for effective use of library resources, including by those with special needs / differently-abled persons;

26. Working in close coordination with Dean(s), Program Chairs, Activity Chairs and Faculty for timely procurement of needed knowledge/library resources;

27. Providing periodic training to users on utilizing the library resources efficiently and effectively;

28. Ensuring physical stock verification is carried out at least once in a year and reconciling the differences in a given time-frame; Bringing any irreconciled differences / discrepancies to the notice of higher authorities, immediately;

29. Coordinating with the Website / Intranet Management Teams and ensuring that the availability of library resources is portrayed up-to-date and accurately at all times; and made accessible seamlessly;

30. Assisting the reporting / senior authorities of the Institute in the discharge of their duties and responsibilities relating to the above functions and activities;

31. Carrying out any other task as may be assigned from time to time.


How to Apply

Interested candidates are invited to apply using the prescribed format only, available on the website ( ). Applications not conforming to the format are liable to be rejected. 

Applications must be accompanied by:

• Statement of Purpose (1000 Words)

• Your proposed contribution to the Institute (1000 words)

• Your notable achievements in education and employment

• Awards, Rewards, Recognitions won and/or professional affiliations

• Professional References – relevant and not relatives - (three) with Name, Designation, Organization, e-Mail ID, Mobile and Landline


Scanned copies (in PDF format) of the completely filled-in and signed (self-attested) application form along with additional information sheets as annexures forming part of the application, along with Category Certificate (only) issued by the competent authority, if applicable, should be sent through e-mail on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., ensuring it reaches the Institute latest by 05-Oct-2020 (Monday), 1700 Hrs.


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Recruitment of Non-Teaching Staff Advertisement Ref. No. IIMV/NTS/2020/01 Dated 05 SEPTEMBER 2020

Click here to download the Application Form

Click here to view the Job Description for all the positions