IS Portal

Library and Information Science

National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research Guwahati

ष्ट्औषधीयशिक्षाएवंअनुसंधानसंस्थान, गुवाहाटी

(Dept. of Pharmaceuticals, Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers, Govt. of India)

C/o NEMCARE Group of Institutions, Santipur, Parli Part, NH-37, Mirza, Assam-781125




Post                  Library & Information Officer   

No of post      01,UR

Pay level        10

Age                   Not exceeding 40 years





Graduation in Library Science or Library & Information Science from recognised University/Institution.Experience:Five years of experience in Management of Library and Office procedure, data processing and communication skills and Information Services in Library under Central/State Govt./Autonomous or Statutory Organization/PSU/University or recognised Researchor Educational Institution/other recognised Institutions of repute.


Master’s degree in Library Sciences or Library and Information Science. Experience of developing and maintaining journals/magazines and other collection in an Academic Library of reputed Institutions. Candidates should have demonstrableability of using library software and experience in library computerization.


How to apply

The candidates are required to apply ONLINE only from 11:00 AM on 22.08.2019 to 20.09.2019 upto 05:00 PM. 

The print out of the ONLINE completed and duly signed application along with prescribed fee paid and all relevant educationaland experience  certificates duly  self-attested must  reach  the Institute on  or  before 30.09.2019by SpeedPost/Courier. The  envelope, containing complete application, should be super-scribed as “Application for the post code of _________________________”and must be  sent  to  “The Registrar,  National  Institute  of  Pharmaceutical  Education  &Research(NIPER)-Guwahati,  C/o  NEMCARE Group  of Institutions, Santipur, Parlipart, NH-37, Mirza, Assam-781125, India.