IS Portal

Library and Information Science


(Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India Organisation)

Applications are invited for 02 (two) posts of LIBRARY & INFORMATION OFFICER in the Pay Matrix Level-11 of Rs. 67,700-2,08,70W-by the Composite Method of promotion/deputation (including short term contract) / absorption basis in Delhi Public Library.

Eligibility conditions:-

I. Promotion/Deputation (including short Term Contract) ABSORPTION:-

Departmental Assistant Library & Information Officer in the Pay Matrix Level-07 (Rs. 44,900 - 142400/- with 7 years regular service in the grade and Officers of the Central, State Govt., Central/State Autonomous Bodies/Public Undertakings.

  • Holding analogous post on regular basis OR with 5 years regular service in the post In pay matrix level-09 OR 7 years service in the pay level-7 Rs. Rs. 44,900 - 142400 OR equivalent.
  • Possessing the educational qualifications & experience as under-

Essential :

Master Degree in Library Science or Lib. & Inf. Science of a recognized University/Institute or equivalent. 5 years of professional experience in a supervisory capacity in a Library under Central /State Government I Autonomous or Statutory organization/PSUIUniversity or Recogned Research or Educational Institution. In case the departmental officer us selected, his/ her appointment will be treated to have been made by promotion.


Experience of computerizing library activities.


The period of deputation in another ex-cadre post held immediately preceding this appointment in the same or some other OrganizatioruDepartment shaft ordinarily not exceed 4 years.


The maximum age limit for appointment by deputation (including short term contract absorption) shall be not exceeding 56 years as on the closing date of receipt of applications.

How to apply

The applications complete in all respects should be sent to the Library & Information Officer, Deihl Public Library, Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukhodoo Marg, Opp. Old Delhi Railway Station, Delhi-110006 so as to reach within a period of 30 days from the date of publication of the advertisement in Employment News (10-16 Oct 2020)