IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Name of Post     Library Information Assistant/ Technical Assistant

Scale of Pay       Pay Level-6, Pay in pay matrix: (Rs. 35,400-1,12,400)

No. of Post(s)   1-UR

Age Limit           35 Years

Essential Qualifications

Bachelor of Library & Information Science (BLISc.) with at least 60% marks from a recognized university or equivalent and M.C.A. I M.Sc. (CS or IT).


B.E. I B.Tech. (CS or IT) and Master's Degree in Library Science with at least 60% marks or equivalent diploma in Library Science of a recognized University/Institute or equivalent obtained after graduation.


Significant experience and in C++, C, MYSQL, PL/Server, Struts, JAVA, JSP, JAVA Script, J2EE Architecture, Strut Framework, PostgreSQL Database.

Essential Experience

Relevant experience of 3 years in a Library I Computerization of a Library or one year certificate in computer application from a recoized Institution or euivalent.

How to apply

Interested candidates may visit the Institute's website and submit online application through our website before 05/01/2019, 1700 Hrs (IST) and invariably send the printed proforma of the online application in an envelope super-scribing the name and the post applied for, along with the receipt as proof of direct remittance of fee through online payment using SBI internet banking or through Credit/Debit Card (Master or Visa approved) payment through any bank and the attested copies of all the documents, so as to reach through Registered/Speed Post to the office of the Registrar, as indicated below, on or before 11/01/2019, 1700 Hrs (IST).

No hard copy of the application shall be considered, if received, beyond the 1700 Hrs (IST) on 11/0112019. For any queries on submission of online applications please contact the Recruitment Cell at +91 -755-2692332: Email: "Recruitment Cell" <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>

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