IS Portal

Library and Information Science

National Institute of Hydrology

(A Govt. of India Society under Ministry of Water Resources)

Jalvigyan Bhawan, Roorkee -247667 (Uttarakhand), India


  • Post             Library & Information Assistant
  • Pay              Level-6 of Pay (Rs. 35400-112400)
  • No of post   01Gen
  • Age             Between 18 to 27 years



Degree in Library Science


How to apply

The last date for receipt of printout of completed online application in the Institute 30 days after it is published in Employment News.

The candidates are required to apply through ONLINE only. The ONLINE option will remain open for a period of 30 days after the last date of publication in Employment News. For submission of applications through ONLINE mode, please visit Institute's Website:


  1. After online filling of applications, candidates are required to take a printout of their system generated online application forms and acknowledgment slip.
  2. All the dispute/litigation, if any will be subject to Roorkee (Uttarakhand) jurisdiction
  3. Candidates are advised to visit the Institute website regularly for any updates regarding the recruitment of these vacancies.

Submission of Hard copy of Application form:

Print the application form and send it to the following address along with original Demand Draft (DD) of Rupees 100/-, by Speed/Registered post only.

Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jaivigyan Bhawan, Roorkee 247667, District Haridwar (Uttarakhand)