IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Government of India

Ministry of Health and Family welfare

Central Leprosy Teaching and Research institute Chengalpattu-603 001, Tamil Nadu


  • Post            Library Clerk
  • Pay             LEVEL-2 in the PAY MATRIX (Rs.19,900-63,200/-)
  • No of post  01 UR
  • Age:            Between 18 to 25 years as on 3O.O9.2O21

Educational Qualification

Passed senior secondary or equivalent from a recognized Board Diploma or certificate course in Library Science from a recognized Institution. Diploma or certificate course in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institution.

Desirable: One year experience in a responsible capacity in a Medical Library of standing.


How to apply

Filed application with necessary enclosure should be sent to "THE DIRECTO& Central Leprosy Teaching and Research institute Chengalpattu, TAMIL NADU-6O3 OO7". Incomplete application, without signature in the application, not enclosing self-attested photo and document copies, false information given in the application and application received after due date will be summarily rejected. Applications sent through Mail / Fax, application without relevant documents and enclosures cannot be considered. Any form of canvassing wilt .not be entertained, if it is so, the candidature of the candidates will be summarily rejected. 

The last date of receipt of application will be within 45 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment Newspaper.