IS Portal

Library and Information Science


(University of Delhi)
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003



Ref. No. DSEC/Advt.ANV/NT/ 268                                                                                        

Offline Applications are invited for the following Non-Academic Vacational and Non-Teaching Postfs) on permanent basis. The details of the posts, number of vacancies and pay scale in the pay matrix are given as under:-


  • Post                            Library Attendant  
  • No. of Posts                02 posts (01 UR & 01 SC)
  • Pay Scale                    Pay Level-01
  • Upper Age   Limit        30 Years




How to apply


Application forms can also be download from the College website. ( as well as fro,—the University website i.e. who download the form can pay the requisite fee 1:-.e form of Demand Draft in favour of "Principal, Dyal Singh Evening College" payable at New Delhi. The completed application form along with the self attested copies of all the testimonials must reach to tne undersigned within 21 days from the date of publication of Advertisement. For further details regarcinc number and nature of posts, essential qualification, eligibility criteria, age limit etc. please sisit the abc.,r websites.

The College reserves the right to change the nature and/or number of posts advertised or not to fill any or all the above posts without assigning any reason thereof. All aspiring candidates are requested to refer the college website time to time for updation till the final stage of recruitment, if any.

However, for those applicants who hod applied In response to an earlier advertisement No. DSEC/NT/1/20 published in daily newspapers dated 29.01.2020 and in Employment News dated (8-14 February 2020) for the posts of Sr. No. 3 to 5 need not apply again. Their applications will be scrutinized as per new Non-teaching Recruitment Rules 2020. However, they may update their qualification, if any.