IS Portal

Library and Information Science


                       GOVT. MODEL COLLEGE,
                     KAZIRANGA, GOLAGHAT
                      P.O.- Kaziranga; PIN-785609
                                (Advt. 02/2020)

In pursuance to the communication received from the Director of Higher Education, Assam vide letter No. DHE/CE/  Misc/113/2020/16 Dated Kahilipara, the 03rd August'2020, applications in prescribed format of Assam Government Part IX. Standard Form with complete Bio­Data (including contact number, email) and self-attested copies of all testimonials from H.S.L.C. onwards are hereby invited from eligible candidate for the following posts within the stipulated date and time.

Library Assistant- 1 No (Un­reserved-1)

Library Bearer- 1 no (Un­reserved -1)

Educational Qualification:

·                   Library Assistant: Candidates must possess a Bechalor' degree from a recognised University or any examination declared equivalent by the Government and must possess computer skills for handling data and text on computer.


·                   Library Bearer: H.S.L.C, Passed Grade-IV — H.S.L.C. Passed

 Pay scale:

·                   Library Assistant: 14000­-49000, AGP 5600 with other allowances as per rule and as admissible from time to time.

·                   Library Bearer: 12000-37500, AGP 4400 with other allowances as per rule and as admissible from time to time.

Place of posting: Model Degree College, Kaziranga, Golaghat Application fee: Not admissible

Last date of Application : Application       with      relevant documents must reach undersigned on or before 4 P.M. of 20/08/2020.

Other: The candidates must have Permanent Residential Certificate (PRC) and must know local language.

In service candidates have to apply through proper channel with NOC from the appointing authority/ employer. Without NOC, the applications are liable to be rejected.

How to apply: Apply in format of Assam Government Part IX. Standard form.

N.B.: No TA/DA will be paid to the candidates called for interview. Incomplete/defective applications will be rejected at the time of scrutiny and no call letter will be issued to such candidates. For any query contact Principal, Phone No.- 94353­52664, 97065-50664 and Email -This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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