IS Portal

Library and Information Science

University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad

 Karnataka State, India


Post                   Library Assistant

No. of Post     01, SC

Age Limit        18-40 years

Pay Scale         Rs.43100-83900/-


Educational Qualification & Experience:

i) Must possess a minimum of Second Class B.Lib. Science Degree from a recognized University

ii) Must have a minimum of Second class M.Lib.Science degree from a recognized University

iii) Experience in classification and cataloguing books and periodicals in Library / College / Research Institute is desirable.

How to Apply 

The candidates have to enclose application processing fee in the form of Indian Postal Order / Demand Draft / Bankers Cheque for Rs.600/- (For SC/ST applicant Rs.300/- only) payable to the "Comptroller, UAS, Dharwad" drawn within the period from 24.12.2019 to 25.01.2020 while submitting the filled in application pro-forma Filled-in applications together with copies with testimonials should be sent in an envelop, super scribing on it, "APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF __________" to THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD - 580005 (KARNATAKA), 

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Application Form