IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Government of India  , Department of Consumer Affairs

Office of the Director General

National Test House Kolkata

  • Post           Library and Information Assistant  (deputation)
  • No of post  01 post 
  • Pay             level 06


Deputation (including short term contract)

(A) Officers of the Central Government or State Government or Union Territories or semi government organizations, or Public Sector Undertakings or Autonomous and statutory organizations or recognized university/ institutes:-

  1. Holding analogous post on regular basis, or
  2. with Six years of regular service in the post in level 5 (Rs. 29,200/- - 92,300/-) in the Pay matrix, or equivalent;
  • With 10 years regular service in the post in level -4 ( Rs.25,500/- - 81,100/-) in the pay matrix, or equivalent and

(B) Possessing the education qualification and experience as under:-

  1. Bachelors degree in Library Science or Library Information science from a recognised university/
  2. Two years professional experience in a Library under the Central Government or State Government or autonomous or statutory organisation or public sector undertakings or recognised university or recognised research/educational institution.

How to

As the requirement is urgent, it is requested that applications in the enclosed proforma (Annexure-A) of the interested officers, who are eligible and who can be spared in the event of selection may be forwarded together with CR Dossiers of last 5(five) years, Vigilance Clearance, No-penalty Certificate & Integrity Certificate so as to reach the undersigned within 60 days from the date of publication of advertisement in Employment News. The officers who volunteer for the post will not be permitted to withdraw their candidature later. Incomplete application or applications received after closing date and those received without the ACRs/APARs, Vigilance Clearance, No-Penalty Certificate & Integrity Certificate will not be entertained.