IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Smt.P.G. Daga Girls College

(affiliated to Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University)


Post                 Librarian 

No. of post   01

Pay Scale        6th Pay Scale.

Qualifications: Master Degree in M.Lib and NET/ SLET/ SET/ Ph.D

How To Apply:

Send applications on or before 24-05-2019 Incomplete/Unsigned applications/ the applications received without the self-attested copies of mark sheets or certificates in support of educational qualification, caste certificate, photographs and those received after the last date of receipt of applications are liable to be rejected without any communication to the candidate.

Postal Address: Secretary National School Committee, Smt.P.G. Daga Girls College, Baal Ashram, kuchari, chowk, Raipur, Chhattisgarh Raipur (C.G).


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