IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Name of the College : Poorna Shikshan Mahavidyalaya (B.Ed.), Halditola (Khamari), Amgaon Road Tal.- Gondia, Dist.- Gondia - 441601
Name of Society : Giriraj Bahuudeshiya Shikshan Sanstha,Tumsar, Bose Nagar, Tumsar, Dist - Bhandara

Subject No.of Post (s) Nature of Post Nature of vacancy Category No. of Advertisement
Librarian - 1
Full Time Cleare - Non-Granted Open - 1
First Time : 1
Pay Scale – As Per UGC & State Government Norms.
The application may be made on a plain paper/prescribed proforma & addressed to the Principal/Dean/Director on the address given below on or before dated 17-01-2020 alongwith a crossed postal order of Rs 100 /- drawn in the favour of the Principal/Dean/Director and certified copies of the relevant certificates/testimonials towards substantiation of eligibility in terms of academic qualifications.
Those who are in  employment shall route their applications through their parent employer, furnishing an advance copy of the same to the Principal. However, it shall be binding for the applicant to furnish the ‘No Objection Certificate’ from the parent employer on or before the date of interview.

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