IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Name of the College : Kinkar College Of Education, At Rehki Road Tal.- Seloo, Dist.- Wardha - 442104

Name of Society : Navneet Bahuuddeshiya Sanstha, Nagpur,

Subject No.of Post (s) Nature of Post Nature of vacancy Category No. of Advertisement
Librarian Librarian - 1
Full Time Cleare - Non-Granted Open - 1
First Time : 1

3) Pay Scale – As Per UGC & State Government Norms.

The application may be made on a plain paper/prescribed proforma & addressed to the Principal/Dean/Director on the address given below on or before dated 07-10-2019 alongwith a crossed postal order of Rs 100 /- drawn in the favour of the Principal/Dean/Director and certified copies of the relevant certificates/testimonials towards substantiation of eligibility in terms of academic qualifications.

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