IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Appellate Tribunal for Electricity, New Delhi



Post                        Librarian( Deputation/absorption Basis)

No of post           (One)

Pay level                Level-6 (7th CPC) 35400-112400/-

Eligibility Criteria


Officers of the Central Government or State Government or High Court or PSUs or Autonomous bodies or recognised University:-:- (a) (i) holding analogous posts on regular basis; or (ii) with six years regular service in the post in the pay band - 1 Rs.5200-20200/- with grade pay of Rs.2400/- or equivalent. (b) (i) possessing a degree in Library Science from a recognised Universty. (ii) having five years experience as Librarian or Assistant Librarian in the Library of the Central Govt or State Govt. or High Court or recognised University. (c) Having knowledge of Computer.

How to apply

The application Form as per ‘Annexure’ (also available in website of this Tribunal), along with attested copies of up-to-date ACRs/APAR for the last five years and vigilance clearance, may be forwarded to the undersigned immediately but not later than six weeks after publication of vacancy circular in the Employment News . Applications not accompanied by copies of ACRs/APAR and vigilance clearance will not be entertained.