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Library and Information Science




Post Details                         

Post Name              Librarian 

No of Post                01 ,UR

Pay Scale                 Rs.15600-Rs,391"00 with AGP of Rs.6000/- (Pre-Revised) 

Age                            18-30 Years   

Educational Qualification                        

Master's Degree in Library Science/tnformation Science /Documentation or an equivalent professional degree with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed), and a consistently good academic record with knowledge of Computerization of library. 

Besides fulfilling the above qualifications, candidates must have cleared the NET/SLET/StT conducted by the UGC or any other Agency approved by the UGC.


How to apply                  

Application form for admission +.o lnterview/ Viva-Voce test for the recruitment of above post can be obtained fro.m the Commission's office, ltanagar on all working days from 10 AM to 4 pM up to 25.05.2018 on cash payment of Rs. 100 only. Further, application form and attendance sheet can also be typed out or downloaded from Commission's Office website www, and it can be sent through post enclosing required fee in the form of Demand Draft/lPO in favour of Secretary, Arunachal pradesh Public Service Commission, ltanagar-797LL\ Payable at SBl, ltanagar. The envelope must superscribed on its body "Application form for the post of LIBRARIAN. Last date 25.05.2018.


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