IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indian Institute of Technology Goa
at Goa Engineering College campus,
Farmagudi, Ponda 403401
                      Goa, India


  • Post Name             Jr. Library Assistant 
  • No of posts           02,UR
  • Pay level               04 (Rs. 25500-81100/-)
  • Age limit              27 years


Essential  Qualification  &  Experience

1. Bachelor   Degree   in   Library   Science   or   Library   and  Information Science from a recognized University/ Institute

2. One - year professional experience in Library under Central/  State Government/ Autonomous body/PSU/Organizations  or Recognized Research o r Educational Institutes.

3. Applicants  having  PG  Degree  in  relevant  area  shall  be  preferred.



1. Knowledge of computer applications and software used in  management of Library operations.


How to apply

Candidates  possessing  the  requisite  qualification  and  experience  may  apply  online  at ) . The  Online Application Interface  shall be  opened between 25 th January, 2019 ( 5.30pm ) and 2 1 st February 2019 ( 05.30 pm ) .  Print out of  the  online  application  along - with  all  supporting documents  should  be  dispatched through  speed  post to the following address;     Recruitment Cell, Indian Institute of Technology Goa at Goa Engineering College campus,  Farmagudi, Ponda  403401 Goa, India.

The last date for receiving the speed post applications is  2 8 th February 2019 .  The Institute shall not  be responsible for any postal delay. The envelope should be super - scribed as  “Application for the  post of ( ___________________________ ) and Application ID "


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