IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Post                Jr. Librarian
No of post     01
Pay                  Rs. 10000/- PM consolidated)
Matriculation or equivalent with certificate in library science from a Government recognized institute.
How to apply

Last date for receiving applications (in prescribed format) by this school is 15 Jan2021. For further details about qualifications, the procedure of appointment/ selection, application format etc, please visit our school website-

Date of written test/ interview/ demonstration/ skill test will be separately intimated to the
shortlisted candidates only. Candidates applying for any post/s, have to come for written test/
aptitude test/ interview on their own. No TA/DA whatsoever will be paid for attending the written
test/ aptitude test/ interview. Separate applications are to be sent if applying for more than
one posts.(d). Procedure for applying: Interested candidates can apply in prescribed format
only (available on school website) alongwith copies of all necessary documents/ testimonials.
Last date for receiving application (in prescribed format alongwith, copies of relevant documents)
will be 15 Jan 2021. Applications can be sent by SPEED POST or can be dropped in the box kept
at school main gate (timing 0800 to 1400 Hrs). Envelope containing application should be super
scribed in bold letters “APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ……………………….”.
(d) For any other query regarding recruitment please feel free to contact on 08884331539
(MWO PKM Khan) and/ or on 09826355940 (Mr R Kundu).
(e) Address for sending applications:-
The Principal
No.1 Air Force School,
Bhind Road, Maharajpur,
Gwalior-474020 (M.P.)