IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Central Water Commission,

Ministry of jal shakti, Department of Water Resources,

River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation, Government of India


  • Post             Hindi-cum-record Officer   (on deputation)
  • No of post   01 
  • Pay level    level 8 (Rs. 47600-151100) and Level 10 (Rs. 56100-177500)


Eligibility Conditions: (a) Holding analogous post on regular basis;


Holding posts carrying pay in the level-7 (Rs. 44900-142400) or equivalent with minimum

2 years' regular service


Holding post carrying pay in the level-6 (Rs. 35400-112400) or equivalent with minimum 6

years' regular service in the grade;

Essential Qualifications: Master's degree of a recognized University in English/Hindi with

Hindi/English as a compulsory and elective subject at degree level

Desirable: Degree/Diploma in Library Science or equivalent

Experience: Experience     in     the field        of Hindi translation/maintenance      of

documents/implementation of Office.

How to apply

The applications of suitable and eligible officers complete in all respect, in the prescribed format

(Annexure-l), along with documents listed in Para 4 & 5 above may be forwarded to Secretary, Cauvery

Water Management Authority (CWMA), Upper Ground Floor, MTNL Building, Bhikaji Cama Place,

New Delhi-110066. The application may also be sent through email on The

application complete in all respect shall be received in this office within 60 days from the date of

publication in the employment news. Candidates who apply for the post will not be allowed to

withdraw their candidature subsequently.

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