IS Portal

Library and Information Science

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Established under the West Bengal Act XXVI of 2007

[Recognized U/S 2(f) & 12(B) of the UGC Act and NAAC accredited University with ‘B’ Grade (2016)]

P.O.: Mokdumpur, District: Malda, West Bengal, PIN- 732 103


Associate Professor (Library & Information Science)  01 (One),UR PWD

Pay Scale of Rs. 37,400-67,000/- + Academic Grade Pay Rs. 9,000


How to apply

Application forms to be downloaded from the University Website and are required to attach a Bank Demand Draft of Rs. 2,500.00/- [Rs.1,500/- for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B] payable at “Malda” drawn in favour of the “University of Gour Banga” along with the filled-in prescribed forms. Application [1 (One) Set of self-attested copies of all testimonials along with 5 (Five) sets of Filled in Application Form and API Sheet] should reach the “OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR, UNIVERSITY OF GOUR BANGA, P.O.: MOKDUMPUR, DIST. MALDA, WEST BENGAL – 732103, INDIA” on or before July 3, 2018 (except Saturday, Sunday & Govt. Holidays, during 11:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.). The ‘Name of the post along with Subject applied for and Advertisement No.’ must be indicated on the envelope.


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