IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Central University of Punjab, Bathinda




Applications are invited from eligible candidates in following departments for the posts of Assistant Professors (on purely temporary and contractual basis) / Guest faculty (on lecture basis) for one semester (upto dispersal of classes i.e. 15.12.2019) or till the positions are filled up on regular basis, whichever is earlier.


Post                           Assistant Professor

No of post               1-UR (Contractual) and 1 Guest Faculty

EMOLUMENTS   Rs. 64500/- consolidated (per month) for Contractual Assistant Professor;

                                    and Rs.1500 per lecture subject to maximum of Rs. 50,000/- pm for Guest Faculty



Please refer webpage for UGC Regulations 2018  and its subsequent amendments. 


How to apply

Candidates have to apply online at  on/before 27.05.2019 and send the hardcopy of online application alongwith enclosures to the University on/before 03.06.2019. 


See official link