IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology

An Autonomous Institute of the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India



Code No. 2 Assistant Library & Information Officer

(To download application format, click here)

Pay Level Level 7
Number of Positions

1 (UR)

Minimum Qualifications
  1. Graduation in Science in the areas of Biology/ Physics/ Chemistry with a Degree in Library Science from a Recognised Indian University
  2. Minimum of 2 (two) years of documented professional experience in a Library of Central Government or State Government/ PSU/ Autonomous Bodies/ Universities etc.
Desirable Qualifications
  1. Post-Graduation in Library Sciences and working experience in a fully automated research library.
  2. Proficiency in using statistical analysis software as well as excellent communication skills and proficiency in written and spoken English will be added advantages.
Job Description

The Assistant Library & Information Officer will be the caretaker of RGCB's Comprehensive Library, and stockholder of a depository of a valuable collection of many sought after international books and journals including those on life sciences. The Library is automated and library management software is implemented at RGCB, and hence the ability to run the installed software will be a mandatory qualification that will be looked into. The Assistant Library & Information Officer will maintain and always update Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) of library documents. Barcoding technology is applied for circulation of library documents at RGCB and the Assistant Library & Information Officer will monitor this mechanism. The current functioning methodology of RGCB Library will have to be ensured smooth continuity by the Assistant Library & Information Officer who shall also suggest every scope of improvement in system administration and monitoring. Currently, an open access system is followed in the library which provides twelve hours continuous service (9 am to 9 pm) on all working days and on Saturday, ensuring excellent service to scientists, students, research fellows, project trainees and other users. E-Resources sharing is facilitated by its membership in Department of Biotechnology's e- Library Consortium (DeLCON). At present more than nine hundred e- journals and e- books of twenty international publishers are thus accessible. The library subscribes to a number of national and international journals. The collection contains a substantial number of internationally acclaimed books on life science, particularly in biotechnology. Back volumes of more than a hundred international and national journals from 1995 onwards are preserved. There is also very good collection of multimedia. The Assistant Library & Information Officer will be the stockholder of all these valuable assets of RGCB. Ph.D theses from RGCB are yet another collection in the library. For in house use the library has a network of computers to cater to the requirements of the users. E-journals and other electronic resources are available in the Local Area Network (LAN) provided for easy access to the users. An Electronic Document Delivery Service is also in use to ensure availability of articles and such other relevant materials. RGCB has its laid down rules with relation to functioning of its Library. Ensuring compliance at all times of these rules, to name a few, the set of Rules for the usage of Library Facilities, Issue/Return of Books/Rules for Digital Library Users etc. shall always be the sole responsibility of the Assistant Library & Information Officer. RGCB has a Library Committee, that monitors the day to day functions as well as recommends all important matters related to its Comprehensive Library to the RGCB Administration. The Assistant Library & Information Officer will ensure smooth functioning of the RGCB Library, in close coordination with Library Committee and in liaison with RGCB's Scientific as well as Administration Cadre.

Age limit

35 years as on 17.02.2021

How to apply

Applications in prescribed format with resume/curriculum vitae and attested copies of all necessary certificates, experience certificates and other supporting documents may be submitted by post to "THE DIRECTOR, RAJIV GANDHI CENTRE FOR BIOTECHNOLOGY, POOJAPPURA, THYCAUD P.O, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695014, KERALA". Applications sent by post, must contain on the envelope, the name and code number of the position applied for. Alternatively, applications can be sent by e-mail enclosing a SINGLE PDF FILE to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. on or before March 31, 2021.