IS Portal

Library and Information Science


Post                             Assistant Librarian 

No of post                01,UR

Age                             18-44 years

Pay Scale (Govt. of Assam )     Rs. 14,000/- 49,000/-  GP=7400/- 


 Qualifications & Experiences

1. Master Degree of Library & Information Assistant Science from University recognized by UGC.

2. Knowledge of computer application in Library and Information Management is preferable


How to apply

Application Fee: Nil (as per Govt. OM. FEG.32/2016/12 dated 21st May 2018)


Application along with self-attested photo copies of certificates, mark sheets, other testimonials and 2 (two) copies of recent passport size photographs in support of the candidates must reach the office of the undersigned on or before 28.02.2019 by 5.00 pm during office hours. Departmental candidate may apply through proper channel. Candidate has to possess valid employment registration number of Assam at the time of application.

Submission of application forms after specified date and time will not be entertained. Candidates should also furnish 1 (one) self-addressed envelope of size (28 cm X 13 cm) affixing thereupon a postage stamp of Rs.5/- (five) along with the application.

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