IS Portal

Library and Information Science


(Established under the Srinagar and Jammu Cluster Universities Act, 2016)

Adjoining G.G.M. Science College, Jammu

Applications are invited for the following posts from the retired persons possessing experience of working in the University System / Government Departments of UT of J&K / Central Government Departments:


Post     Assistant Librarian

Salary  Rs.30,000/- Consolidated (per month) 


How to apply

The application form can be downloaded from the University Website If the space provided in the application form is insufficient, information may be given on a separate sheet duly signed by the candidate and the same may be attached with the application form.


The application form should reach the Office of The Assistant Registrar (Establishment), Cluster University of Jammu, Adjoining G.G.M. Science College, Jammu (J&K) by or before 11-10-2021 through Registered / Speed Post only. The University shall not be responsible for any postal delays and the applications submitted through Courier Services shall be summarily rejected.


The envelope containing the application form should be super-scribed with the following: Name of the Post Applied For: Advertisement No. & Date


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