IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Job Opportunity

Job Opportunity at CIPET

Position Payable per month No. of positions
Assistant Librarian Rs. 20,000/- to Rs. 25,000/- 01

For detailed information on Essential Qualifications & Experience, Application Form and Rules & Regulations, please visit our website.

Applications strictly in the prescribed format along with necessary enclosures should be sent in an envelope by Speed Post to "The Principal Director, CIPET:IPT-Lucknow, B-27, Amausi Industrial Area, Lucknow-226008" on or before 05.04.2024. The Candidate should mention “Advt.No. CIPET/IPT-LKO/04/2024-23”, “Name of the Post applied” in bold letters on top of the envelope.

For any further clarification, email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 7607194014
