IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Indian Institute of Management Lucknow Noida

Campus, B-1, Sector-62, Institutional Area,

Noida - 201 307 (UP) India


Post of “Library Assistant” on purely contractual basis for a period of three (3) years.

Honorarium: Consolidated honorarium in the range of Rs. 24,000/- to Rs 30,000/-(all inclusive) per month, depending on educational qualification and experience.


Essential Qualification & Experience

 Candidate must have MLIS degree with minimum 60% marks and minimum 3 (desirable 5 years) of working experience in a computerized academic library.

 Practical knowledge of LIBSYS software and computers (different operating systems) and MS Office is must.

 Candidate must be ready to work in flexi timings (late shifts).

 The Candidate must have good command over written and oral communication.

 Candidate must be less than 35 Years of age as on 30 November 2017.

 Preference will be given to those possessing higher qualification with relevant background and having working experience in computerized academic library of Govt. Institution/University.


How to apply:

Submit latest Applications Form/CV by e-mail on or before 20th December 2017 (Wednesday) to the e-mail id admin_This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Applicant should clearly mention the subject line as “Application for the post of Library Assistant”.


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