IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change

Government of India


Name of the Post                   Consultant (Library-II)

No. of Posts                              One

Monthly emoluments          Rs.35,000/-(P M.)

Age limit                                   Not be more than 40 yrs. on the date of advertisement.


Essential Qualification:

  • Master Degree from any recognized university with at least 55% marks or its equivalent from any recognized university and
  • One year diploma in Computer applications.


Desirable Experience:

At least Four years working experience in any government/ autonomous/private and research institution alongwith atleast one year experience in handling a research and database management related projects and proven experience of digitization of library.


How to apply

Interested individuals fulfilling the requisite qualification and experience may apply on plain paper along with CV with supporting documents (Qualifications, experience and age proof) in an envelope clearly superscribed "Engagement of staff for Library" along with reference number to the Director, EE-Division, Room No P201, Prithvi Block, 2nd floor, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan, Aliganj, Jorbagh Road, New Delhi-110003, either by post or by hand on or before 215tFebruary, 2017 at 5.30 P.M. Applications received after the due date without supporting documents shall not be considered.


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