IS Portal

Library and Information Science

Job Posting
Satyajit Ray Film & Television Institute
Job Posting - Assistant Library and Information Officer
Post Name Assistant Library and Information Officer
No. of Post 01
Amount Rs.74091/-
Qualification Essential:
i) Bachelor's Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognized University / Institute.
ii) Five years professional experience in a Library under Central / State Government / Autonomous or Statutory organization / PSU / University or Recognized Educational Institution.
iii) Experience in working in an audiovisual library.
i) Master’s Degree in Library Science or Library and Information Science from a recognized University / Institute.
ii) Diploma in Computer Application from a recognized University or Institute.
iii) Good knowledge in film & TV medium.
Duties - Shall maintain books, periodicals and other printed matters in the library and issue them to readers.
- Shall assist in the selection of publications to be purchased and receive complimentary copies of books, periodicals, and other publications from authors/publishers;
- Shall be responsible for the technical processing of books and other publications and maintenance of records of stocks and issues;
- Shall make abstracts and summaries of important articles from incoming periodicals;
- Shall be responsible for the collection of books, entry in register, handling approval memos, bills, Annual reports, Interlibrary loans, referral service etc.;
- Shall assist in conducting physical verification of Library inventory and for updating/categorization/classification of the inventory;
- Shall perform such other duties and functions as assigned to him/her by the Director /Dean/Registrar/Library & Information Officer or other senior officers and members of the faculty from time to time.
For more details

How to Apply

Interested candidates who fulfill the above requirements shall apply through online application form (Google form) only. The link to the application form is:

Apply Here

The application fee is Rs.1200/- for each post which is to be deposited through SBI Collect (Application fee for recruitment). A copy of payment receipt may be uploaded during submission of form. However, SC, ST, PWD & female applicants are exempted from payment of application fees as per extant practice of GOI. The last date for submitting online application form is 28.06.2024 (5 PM).