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Library and Information Science

Part 1: Foundation of Library & Information Science  

Unit.1. Library as an Social Institution 
Library as an Social Institution
Social & Historical foundations of Library
Different types of libraries- Academic, Public, Special –their distinguishing features and functions.
Role of U.G.C. for development of Academic libraries
Role in Library of formal and informal education
Unit.2 Normative Principles of Library  & Information Science
Normative Principles of Library & Information Science
Five Laws of Library Science
Implications of Five laws of Library and information science
Development of Libraries with special reference to India, Baroda Public Library system
Library Co-operation Resource Sharing and Library Networking
Unit 3. Laws relating to Libraries & Information
Library legislation need and essential features
Library legislation in India
Maharashtra Public Library Act.
Press and registration act & Delivery of Books act (Public Library)
Copyright act, Intellectual Property rights
Unit 4. Library and information Profession
Attribution of profession
Librarianship as a profession
Professional ethics
Professional associations & their role
National & International Library Associations- FID, IFLA, LA, ILA, ALA, IASLIC etc.
Professional education and research
Unit 5. Promoters of Library & Information services
 National level promoters- RRRLF
 International level promoters- UNESCO
 Unit 6. Public relations & Extension activities
facets and programs
Publicity & extension, Out reach activities
Library path finders (Guides)
Factors affecting Library development, Literacy, publishing, Book Trade










Part II : Knowledge Organization, Information Processing & Retrieval

Unit. 1. Universe of Knowledge
Structure and attributes
Modes of formation of subjects
Different types of subjects
Universe of subjects as mapped in different schemes of classification
Unit. 2. Bibliographic description
Catalogue purpose, Structure and types physical forms including OPAC filling rules.
Normative Principles of cataloguing.
Overview of principles and practice in document description.
Current trends in Standardization, description and exchange
Standard codes of cataloguing.
Unit. 3. Methods of Knowledge Organization
General theory of Library Classification.
Normative principles of classification and their application.
Species of Library Classification.
Standard Schemes of Classifications and their features, CC, DDC, UDC.
Notation: Need, Functions, Characteristics
Design and development of schemes of Library Classification, Standard sub-division Index.
Trends in Library Classification.
Unit. 4. Subject Classification
Principles of Subject Classification.
Subject heading lists and their feature.

Part III : Information Technology: Basic

Unit. 1. Information Technology

Definition, Need, Scope and Objectives


Unit. 2. Computer Basic (Hardware)

Introduction to Computers
Overview of Historical Development of Computers
Generations of Computers, Classification of Computers
Essential Components of Computer system

Unit. 3. Computer Architecture-Organization of Computer

Input and Output devices- Keyboard, Scanner, OCR, Printers, Monitor

Unit. 4. Software

Operating systems: Single & Multi User Systems, Basic features of MS-DOS, MS Windows, Linux, UNIX, Windows NT etc
Programming Languages: Concepts and Tools
Algorithm & Flowcharting


Unit. 5. 

Word Processors, Spread Sheet etc


Unit. 6.DBMS Package 

Familiarity with DBASE, FOXPRO, CDS/ISIS, SOUL, MS Access (Basic features)


Unit. 7.Computer application to library & Information work

House keeping operations

Unit. 8.  Communication Technology

Communication Technology Basic Concepts
Networking: Basic Concepts

 Part III : Management of Libraries & Information Centres/Institutions


Unit. 1.  Management

Concepts, definition and scope
Management styles and approaches
Management schools of thought
Functions and principles of Scientific Management


Unit. 2.  Human Resource Management

Organizational structure
Delegation, Communication and Participation
Job Description and Analysis, Job evaluation
Inter-personal relation
Recruitment procedures
Motivation, group Dynamics
Training and Development
Disciplines and Grievances
Performance Appraisal